Convention Forms
Below you can find all forms and links for the Convention - Links will become available at stated times.
July 12th - August 04th
Click on the image or here to get to the form
August 11th - 31th
Cllick on the image or here to get to the form
Over 72 hours, we hope to offer as many sessions of Vaesen as is vaesenly possible, which is where we need your help as a Vaesen GM.
We accept session submissions of both published Free League scenarios from the core rulebook, "A Wicked Secret and other Mysteries," and "Mythic Britain and Ireland,".
Scenarios that are a part of the Free League Workshop on DTRPG and your scenario creations are also welcome.
We've divided the weekend into 12 gaming slots. With 4 slots per day and 2-hour breaks in between, there will be ample time to finish games without rushing or attending a panel discussion.
Also, we are finalizing the agenda for public panel discussions in between game slots.
These will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel.
Players must confirm their availability within 2 days of the lottery results with the GM.
If you do not contact your GM in time, the next player on the waitlist is given the seat.
This process will continue until all seats are filled.
We expect all Players, GMs and attendees to follow and enforce the Code of Conduct for VaesenCon in their sessions. If there are any problems or concerns during the Con, please direct any issues to the Moderators.
If you have more questions, look at the FAQs or join the Discord server to talk to us directly.
The gaming sessions and postings concerning the session lottery will occur on the VaesenCon Discord server, so all GMs must join to participate. You can join the server by clicking this link. It is possible to run sessions on VTTs. Still, communication between GMs and Players should be conducted on the VaesenCon server.
If you are interested in attending our VaesenCon 2024, we look forward to gaming with you on the weekend of 6 - 8 September.